EuPRAXIA Preparatory Phase
EuPRAXIA is the first European project that develops a dedicated particle accelerator research infrastructure based on novel plasma acceleration concepts driven by innovative laser and linac technologies. EuPRAXIA is one of the projects on the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap of 2021.
The preparational phase project EuPRAXIA-PP will serve a central role in the overall implementation plan of EuPRAXIA as a truly European Research Infrastructure. This new European facility will serve users from multiple fields with cutting edge beams of particles and photons, while driving open innovation in the technology of particle accelerators. The European headquarters of EuPRAXIA are being set up at the Frascati site of INFN. Thanks to the already committed funding for the Italian pillar of EuPRAXIA, the preparatory phase project will be complemented by already started construction efforts for first pilot user operation in 2028. The synergy and integration of the European preparatory phase project and the national Italian project will ensure that this project will serve and benefit all EuPRAXIA partners and the full European Research Area (ERA).
The EuPRAXIA-PP brochure contains comprehensive information about the project, including its objectives, implementation plans and partners, with special emphasis on the opportunities for scientific users and industry.
Open Innovation
EuPRAXIA will be based on an Open Innovation model where knowledge, perspectives and interests can be exchanged through direct means, such as user workshops, and indirect ones, like the shared use of beamlines and facilities. The involvement of industry as users, co-developers and suppliers will play an essential role as a more direct path for innovation and commercialization.
The EuPRAXIA Open Innovation Forum will be the governance body where potential industrial users and co-developers meet with EuPRAXIA management to foster collaboration agreements (collaborative and contractual research).
Project Timeline
Following the publication of the full Conceptual Design Report in October 2019, the project is undergoing a technical design phase for prototyping and R&D.
Proceeding at full speed, the EuPRAXIA research infrastructure would start full operation in the next decade. Parts of EuPRAXIA could go into operation significantly earlier.